Social Media Shout-Out
From the bottom of our hearts, a BIG social media thanks on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, your choice! Be sure to FOLLOW/Like us. Please provide your preferred social network in the checkout process (otherwise we will use FB or Twitter by default). We will tag you if we are sure we know who you are - for more info, see the Q&A section.
Meet the Filmmakers
Got questions? Curious about how movies are made? Want to know more about Franklinia? Ask the filmmakers yourself in a private Skype call or phone call! We love to meet people and we love to hear what interests YOU, so don't be shy. Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the movie as it is being finished in October, before the premiere.
Your Own Franklinia
Just in time for the holiday season, get the incredible gift of your very own Franklinia. Help keep the species alive by raising these seeds at your home with the help of Heather's instructional guide. Enjoy the beautiful fragrant white flowers and green foliage, and be a part of history.
Executive Producer
Do you believe in this film and want to be a major part of making it possible? Here is your chance! In recognition of your OUTSTANDING contribution to this film, you’ll receive an Executive Producer credit in the film and on our website – and our eternal thanks for being a key member of the Franklin Tree Team!